Jadi Toke Getah atau Juragan Sawit?...
Uugghhh, itu keren sekali, bukan?...
Bayangkan Provinsi Jambi punya lebih dari 500.000 ha lahan perkebunan sawit yang tersebar di 7 kabupaten seperti Batang Hari, Muaro Jambi, Bungo, Sarolangun, Merangin, Tanjabbar dan Tebo, sehingga kelapa sawit merupakan produk unggulan ke dua terbesar setelah karet. Triliunan rupiah uang berputar di sini dari hulu hingga hilir.
Bayangkan, kamu punya 0.005 % a.k.a 25 hektar aja dari luas lahan tersebut, wuih, itu kaya banget, brow!
Nah, jika liat di kampung-desa daerah perkebunan sawit, walau jalan masih aspal merah, tapi mobil 4WD berseliweran di sana, motor keren terparkir di garasi rumah, gadget terbaru dan perhiasan mahal mereka punya. Hmm, menggiurkan, ya! Kalau lagi musim panen dan harga sawit dunia sedang tinggi, mereka akan menjajah kota dengan waktunya… ‘shopping!’ ckckckck…
So, kita sebut dia Juragan Sawit.
Size ; S – XL, 2L, 3L dan 5L (dewasa)
Varian: Standard, Lengan Panjang dan Reglan
Color; Abu Misty, Hitam, Coklat Kopi
So skipper palm sap or a Squire? ...
Uugghhh, it's cool, is not it? ...
Imagine Jambi province has over 500,000 ha of oil palm plantations spread over 7 districts such as the Batang Hari, Muara Jambi, Bungo, Sarolangun, Merangin, Tanjabbar and Tebo, so that palm oil is a superior product to the second largest after the rubber. Trillions of dollars of money spinning here from upstream to downstream.
Imagine, you have a 0.005% or 25 hectares of the land area, Whew, it's very rich!
Well, if you look at the village or rural area of oil palm plantations, while the asphalt is still red, but the 4WD cars milling about there, cool bike parked in the garage of the home, the latest gadgets and expensive jewelry they had. Hmm, tempting, yes! If another season of harvest and the world oil price is high, they will colonize the city with time ... 'shopping!' Ckckckck ...
So, we call him skipper palm.
size; S - XL, 2L, 3L and 5L (adult), baby, children
Variants: Standard, Long Sleeve and Reglan
Color; Abu Misty, Black, Brown Coffee
Uugghhh, itu keren sekali, bukan?...
Bayangkan Provinsi Jambi punya lebih dari 500.000 ha lahan perkebunan sawit yang tersebar di 7 kabupaten seperti Batang Hari, Muaro Jambi, Bungo, Sarolangun, Merangin, Tanjabbar dan Tebo, sehingga kelapa sawit merupakan produk unggulan ke dua terbesar setelah karet. Triliunan rupiah uang berputar di sini dari hulu hingga hilir.
Bayangkan, kamu punya 0.005 % a.k.a 25 hektar aja dari luas lahan tersebut, wuih, itu kaya banget, brow!
Nah, jika liat di kampung-desa daerah perkebunan sawit, walau jalan masih aspal merah, tapi mobil 4WD berseliweran di sana, motor keren terparkir di garasi rumah, gadget terbaru dan perhiasan mahal mereka punya. Hmm, menggiurkan, ya! Kalau lagi musim panen dan harga sawit dunia sedang tinggi, mereka akan menjajah kota dengan waktunya… ‘shopping!’ ckckckck…
So, kita sebut dia Juragan Sawit.
Size ; S – XL, 2L, 3L dan 5L (dewasa)
Varian: Standard, Lengan Panjang dan Reglan
Color; Abu Misty, Hitam, Coklat Kopi
So skipper palm sap or a Squire? ...
Uugghhh, it's cool, is not it? ...
Imagine Jambi province has over 500,000 ha of oil palm plantations spread over 7 districts such as the Batang Hari, Muara Jambi, Bungo, Sarolangun, Merangin, Tanjabbar and Tebo, so that palm oil is a superior product to the second largest after the rubber. Trillions of dollars of money spinning here from upstream to downstream.
Imagine, you have a 0.005% or 25 hectares of the land area, Whew, it's very rich!
Well, if you look at the village or rural area of oil palm plantations, while the asphalt is still red, but the 4WD cars milling about there, cool bike parked in the garage of the home, the latest gadgets and expensive jewelry they had. Hmm, tempting, yes! If another season of harvest and the world oil price is high, they will colonize the city with time ... 'shopping!' Ckckckck ...
So, we call him skipper palm.
size; S - XL, 2L, 3L and 5L (adult), baby, children
Variants: Standard, Long Sleeve and Reglan
Color; Abu Misty, Black, Brown Coffee
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